About WorldCat and FVSU Libraries
Advanced Search

About WorldCat and FVSU Libraries

FVSU Libraries is dedicated to offering you access to the widest possible range of resources. You are now able to search our collection and the collections of many other libraries worldwide using WorldCat, the world's largest network of library-based content and services.

Our collections come first

Although WorldCat has a global reach, you'll always see information about our collections and links to our services up front. Everything you need is displayed right within the WorldCat record, including location and availability information for the item, and prominent button links to reserve or request an item or directly view electronic content such as the full text of an article.

You may also see special links to some of our online services just below the WorldCat record, preceded by the phrase "Services from FVSU Libraries." These links are relative to the displayed item, so the linked page will provide a service for the item you're currently viewing.

We believe you'll also find these features of the WorldCat interface useful:

How to search

Use simple keywords as you would on a Web search site. Try using words from a title; the name of the author, artist or director; or words that describe the subject matter.

Learn more about searching (WorldCat FAQ)

Search results

Your search results will always be presented in this order:

  1. Resources owned by FVSU Libraries;
  2. Resources available through our sharing relationships with other libraries, if your library belongs to a group;
  3. Resources owned by all other WorldCat libraries globally.

Results within each of these groups are ordered by relevance. Note that global WorldCat results may include many resources not owned by FVSU Libraries. You may be able to obtain these items from a nearby library or through our resource-sharing network—click the "Request Item" button on the WorldCat record.

Want to know more, or need help?

Ask one of our librarians, or check the WorldCat FAQ.